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2 posts tagged with "macOS"

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Use Touch ID for sudo on macOS

Add the line

auth       sufficient

at the top of /etc/pam.d/sudo (you will need sudo access to write to that file).

You'll need to do this after at least every OS update as that file gets overwritten in those updates.

Here's a single command you can run to accomplish this:

sudo sed -i '' '2i\
auth sufficient
' /etc/pam.d/sudo

Making Your Terminal Awesome

The tools we use as developers make us more effective (or at least hopefully faster) developers. So why not spend some time to make one of the most common dev tools much more useful? Here's a way to give any terminal app a personalized and awesome experience (fwiw I use the default app included with macOS). Features covered will be the following:

  • a super informative and customizable prompt
  • per-directory prompt customization
  • automatic switching of Node.js versions (easily extended to any run-time)
  • better auto complete and history
  • optional "command done" chime