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2 posts tagged with "testing"

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Unified JavaScript Testing

Node.js now has a built-in test runner, which I've now tried, and it's fantastic! However, it can't be used for frontend testing, or browser testing, obviously. While web-test-runner is the best (imo) test runner for frontend tests, having different runners requires you to learn different libraries and use different imports for each even when doing dead simple environment-agnostic unit tests. In this post I'll talk about how I've unified the experience, and the path that lead to being able to do that.

JavaScript Testing Packages

There are tons of options for test packages and frameworks within the JavaScript ecosystem, both on the backend and frontend. This is my knowledge dump of them.

Disclaimer: This is only what I know about each package from browsing its docs, my experiences with them, and my, often strong (beware), opinions. I can't possibly hear or know about all available testing packages.